So I grew up in a police household. My father was a cop, and my godfather is a cop too. In spite of his obligations, he still looks after me. Makes sure I'm doing all right, he's one of the nicest people I know and I love him like family.
So imagine the conflict when one is faced with the realities of the police. How can I hate cops in this circumstance?
I thought about it for a long time, and the reality is very simple. Cops obey and enforce the law. If the law told my father to kill me, then he would have to do that. Doesn't matter what he thinks of me, if the state tells him to pull the trigger then his purpose is to pull the trigger. Same goes for my godfather, and all other cops. I'd like to think that they'd disobey the rules at that point. But fact of the matter still is that they did, on some level, pledge this obedience to the doctrine of the state.
Headline after headline comes out talking about how cops are more likely to commit domestic abuse, and is that really so strange? Given how somewhere, the uncomfortable truth is that the state, much like God himself, occasionally demands its followers to sacrifice a son to prove their loyalty and commitment to the doctrine. How can you get close to your loved ones then? When this hidden barrier of hate stands between you and them? Namely the fabric of your uniform, and the metal of your badge.
I begin to see people and cops as separate entities, because they are.
When a cop takes off the uniform at the end of the day, he becomes a person. That's when the free will appears, and the person makes their own decisions. When a person goes on duty, when the shift arrives and the uniform comes on, that's when they become a cop. Their actions are no longer their own. The doctrine of the law dictates their being like automatons. No exceptions, no debating, no rationality, you just do whatever you're told regardless of how you feel about it.
And that's not my dad, nor my godfather. That's something else. That's a cop. I'll never trust a cop, and I do for a fact hate cops.
Cops kill people, they beat them, they abduct them and torture them. Confine them into tiny spaces, take away their freedoms, treat them like animals, pit them against one another in human zoos, they abuse, mistreat, violate, trespass, murder and kidnap. They commit the worst crimes to prevent petty misdemeanours. They instigate as much violence as they suppress.
They are a tool of a government that hates me, that hates me because I'm poor. That hates me because I'm disabled. That hates me because of my world view. That hates me because of my civic status. That hates me because of my sexual orientation. A government that deprives me of food, that purposefully and consciously traps me in ghetto economics. That punishes me for living. That protects people who bully and belittle people like me. That would punish me for defending myself against those people. That provides police escorts to fascists who advocate exterminating me. That sends riot police to beat and kidnap and kill those who advocate my freedom and democratic rights.
A government that makes every effort conceivable to assure that my life is as miserable and undignified as humanly possible. So why is it so controversial that I then proceed to hate them?